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PPE Germany GmbH

Scaling of PPE Germany through sales and new customer acquisition expertise from Proceeds

Through the targeted measures taken by Proceeds, PPE Germany succeeded in developing from a small company into a leading manufacturer of personal protective equipment in Europe.

initial situation

Status quo before project start

In order to relieve employees, accelerate touchpoints with customers while maintaining satisfaction and to smooth the desire for scalability, we developed and implemented standardized and reproducing sales processes following an audit.

Interim Conclusion

Status after 5 months

Three of our trained employees are firmly involved as sales agents in this project. They take care of the entire process of acquiring new customers by telephone and managing e-mail correspondences. Together with our customer, we have set up a standardized & reproducible sales process that achieves all previously set goals.


Looking to the future

It was clear from the start that, as a specialist sales agency, we would create important processes, continuously improve and expand them — with the aim of handing over the project to an in-house sales team from at some point. In this way, the basis was created together with the customer and everything can be continued seamlessly.


PPE Germany, an emerging manufacturer of personal protective equipment comprising FFP2 masks and nitrile gloves, faced a significant challenge. With a small team of just two employees and a modest five-figure annual turnover, the company aimed to expand its market presence and scale its distribution across Europe. In this crucial phase of their development, they turned to Proceeds, a specialist in sales and new customer acquisition, to optimize their sales strategies and foster sustainable growth.


To meet the specific needs of PPE Germany, Proceeds focused on two main areas: expanding the distribution network and optimizing new customer acquisition.

Establishment of a Europe-wide distribution network: Proceeds identified and established strategic partnerships with key distributors across Europe. Through careful market analysis and targeted selection of distribution partners, PPE Germany successfully introduced its products in new markets and expanded its reach beyond Germany.

Optimization of new customer acquisition strategies: By implementing tailored sales and marketing strategies, Proceeds focused on increasing brand awareness and reaching potential new customers. This included targeted campaigns, the use of digital marketing tools, and the implementation of data-driven approaches to effectively communicate with the target market and generate qualified leads.


Thanks to Proceeds' targeted efforts, PPE Germany evolved from a small company into a leading manufacturer of personal protective equipment in Europe. With a significant eight-figure annual turnover and an expanded team of over 20 employees, PPE Germany has significantly improved its market position.

The collaboration resulted in exponential growth and laid the foundation for continuous expansion into new markets. PPE Germany has not only surpassed its sales goals but also established its brand as synonymous with quality and reliability in the field of personal protective equipment.


Free initial consultation

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