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Artificial intelligence and machine learning: transformative forces in sales management

The change brought about by technological progress is leaving an indelible imprint on every sphere of business. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are particularly important and are revolutionizing sales management. This article explores how these pioneering technologies are shaping the distribution sector and promoting sustainability.

Laptop dashboard AI
Tim Schillinger
Last updated

Intelligent CRM systems: sustainable sales through artificial intelligence

“AI and ML have become key tools in sales. They help us understand and successfully navigate the increasingly complex market,” says Tim Schillinger, founder of Proceeds. AI in CRM systems is a remarkable example of how technology makes sales more efficient and sustainable. By analyzing customer data, buying behavior, and market trends, AI not only enables a deeper understanding of customers, but also promotes sustainable sales strategies. Sustainable distribution means that companies optimize their sales with minimal resource consumption and maximum efficiency, and that is exactly what AI enables.

Predictive accuracy through machine learning: sustainable sales forecasts

“We have seen how ML algorithms are revolutionizing the forecasting process. They offer unprecedented accuracy and speed that traditional methods cannot achieve,” explains Dr. Richard Oehmig-Kuhn, partner at proceeds. The ability of machine learning to learn from historical data and patterns enables accurate and efficient sales forecasting. This high level of accuracy minimizes the risk of overproduction and unnecessary resource consumption, resulting in a more sustainable distribution chain.

Customer loyalty through AI: sustainable customer service through chatbots

Chatbots are another outstanding example of the use of AI and ML in sales. These automated customer service assistants can answer customer inquiries 24/7, which not only leads to higher customer satisfaction but also relieves human employees. They also promote sustainability by minimizing energy consumption and operating costs.

In the modern business world, AI and ML have become indispensable tools in sales management, which not only improve the efficiency and accuracy of sales processes, but also contribute to sustainability. “Using AI and ML in sales is no longer an option, it is a necessity — both for the success of the company and for the environment,” summarizes Schillinger.


Sales Strategy, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, CRM, Sales Forecasting, Chatbots


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