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Progress through continuing education: A necessity for salespeople

In the dynamic world of sales, continuous training is essential. Salespeople must always stay up to date to effectively serve customers and achieve business goals. As the founder of proceeds, Tim Schillinger, once aptly put it: “One euro invested in continuing education is a future profit in sales.”

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Tim Schillinger
Last updated

The importance of continuing education in sales

Successful sales means always being one step ahead. Continuous training is key to achieving this goal. In practice, this may include regular training, attending conferences, or taking part in online courses.

A practical example: A salesperson who continuously trains himself in the latest sales techniques will be better able to meet customer needs and sell effectively. He will also feel more secure in his role, which leads to higher employee satisfaction.

He can also increase the company's turnover and improve customer loyalty through continuous training. A well-trained sales representative can also strengthen brand reputation by providing high-quality service. In this way, continuing education can also contribute to increasing competitiveness.

Sustainability and continuing education: A symbiotic connection

Today, more than ever, companies are called upon to act sustainably. This also applies to sales. “Sustainable distribution means not only selling environmentally friendly products, but also creating a sustainable work culture,” emphasizes Tim Schillinger.

Continuing education plays a crucial role in this regard. It helps to promote a sustainable culture of learning and growth. This culture motivates employees to develop and reach their full potential, which ultimately leads to a stronger team spirit.

Continuing education is also an effective way to support digital transformation by encouraging employees to use new technologies and tools that enable them to operate in a greener manner.

Employee satisfaction and team spirit through continuing education

Another important aspect that should not be ignored is the influence of continuing education on employee satisfaction and team spirit. Continuing education offers employees the opportunity to improve their skills and expand their knowledge. This not only leads to greater self-confidence and job satisfaction, but also to stronger ties with the company.

Schillinger explains: “When we invest in continuing education for our employees, we send a clear message: We believe in you and your abilities. And that not only strengthens the individual, but the entire team.”

An investment in continuing education therefore shows that the company takes the professional development of its employees seriously. This promotes a positive corporate culture that not only strengthens employee loyalty, but also mobilizes the entire team towards common goals.

Continuing education in an outsourcing sales agency

Continuing education also plays a crucial role in outsourcing sales agencies. These agencies often provide specific training to ensure that their employees have the latest sales techniques and strategies.

A specific example of this is a sales agency that offers its employees comprehensive training in social selling techniques. This enables employees to sell effectively on platforms such as LinkedIn and reach their customers where they are most active. With this training, they can also identify and take advantage of new business opportunities and interact better with potential customers. It also helps to strengthen the brand's online presence and increase visibility on major social media platforms.


Training sales people is more than just a necessity. It is a decisive factor for the success of a company. It promotes sustainability, increases employee satisfaction and strengthens team spirit. It should therefore always be an important part of the corporate strategy. The emphasis on continuing education shows that a company is willing to invest in its employees and support them in their efforts for professional growth and development. This approach not only promotes a positive working environment, but also has a positive effect on the company's success.

As Tim Schillinger sums it up: “Continuing education is not a cost factor, but an investment in the future of your company and your employees.” And that investment is definitely paying off.


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